Recession of Democracy

Ironically, such 'anti-democratic,''right-wing conservative,' and 'ultra-nationalist' regimes promote 'misinformation', 'disinformation' and 'extremist' ideas in the society in which the populist regimes only endorse self-centrist ideas that serves to elites, dividers and powermongers.

Sept. 18, 2024, 5:04 p.m.

Throughout the world, the democratic system seems suffocated between the extreme thoughts and behaviors of right-wing conservatives. These extremists influence the world's political order to establish 'fundamentalism' and 'neoliberalism,' and attempts to control the state apparatus under the irrational philosophies of 'propaganda,' 'conspiracy' 'nationalism,' and 'populism.' Such conservative elements endorse the authoritarian and dictatorship regimes alleging the dysfunctionality of the democratic system due to its openness and participatory characters. Neither these regimes respect rule of law, nor human rights and freedom of expression.

Ironically, such 'anti-democratic,''right-wing conservative,' and 'ultra-nationalist' regimes promote 'misinformation', 'disinformation' and 'extremist' ideas in the society in which the populist regimes only endorse self-centrist ideas that serves to elites, dividers and powermongers. Moreover, such ruling elitesare confined themselves by their 'cronies,' who believes in controlled government, and undermine the inheritancerights and freedom of people.

Even though there is a continue debate about functionality of democracy, and its effective servicesto the people, there is no other alternative system of governance to the democratic system. So far, it is only legitimate and reliable political system that respects people's dissenting voices, and makes efforts to address public aspirations. It promotes lawful society and empowerment of people as well as responsible, transparent and accountable government, and addresses social and economic disparities in the country.

The functions of democracy are not smooth as people's expectations. However, this is only effective governance system that ensures public participation in policymaking and decision-making processes of the state, as well as encourages inclusion and meaningful involvement of marginalized populations in nation-building process. It also provides opportunities to develop polices and enforcement mechanisms to address impoverishment, poverty, backwardness, insecurity, discrimination, injustice, etc. In addition, it creates critical thoughts and ideas, as well as critical mass and proactive civic space that provides opportunity for public discussion regarding merits and demerits of government's performance and services.

Thus, while a functioning democracy is an indispensable aspect of any civilized society, its institutional development is only possible through the cooperation of responsible state and political entities, as well as proactive and law-abiding citizens. Its basic aspects include separation of power, checks and balances, good governance, human rights, freedom of press and expression, free and fair periodic elections, participatory governance, efficient justice system, just society, separation of powers and balance of power, rule of law, etc.

As the 16thUS President Abraham Lincoln describes the government as "of the people, by the people, for the people,"it is only possible to achieve public aspirations in democratic system. Therefore, a democracy is a form of government that is governed by a free, fair, and credible electoral system. It is established fact that the majority rules in a democracy, but the minority is respected, and their voices are heard. In overall, it basically involves respecting the expressions of the common citizen and integrating their concerns into the state mechanisms.

The State of Democracy in the World

Globally, the state of democracy seems vulnerable despite of continuous efforts to safeguard its essence through public dialogues and strengthening its pillars of accountability, responsiveness, public participation and transparency, as well as peace, humanity, generosity, nonviolence, harmony and tranquility.

Principles of democracy are facing tremendous threats by the state sponsored aggression, hatred, violence, and fear, as well as unruly attitude and behaviors of political leadership. Unfortunately, the critical space essential to institutionalization of democracy is massively shrinking. Antidemocratic elements, including anarchists and authoritarian regimes with radical ideas are continue on rise, and liberal thoughts of democracy, freedom, and justice are under attack.

In addition, he future of democracy in the world is facing unwanted crisis, while the business of war is flourishing. Values and norms of democratic governance are sandwiched. However, the era of misinformation, disinformation and false propaganda has dominated public domain instigating political turmoil, intolerant society and social division based on faith, origin, nationality, color, identity, etc. It has become instigating factors to disrupt the norms of free and fair elections, national security and open society. It is being mostly manipulated by autocratic and dictatorial rulers, who has tactically ruled the country by spreading'fear,' 'conspiracy,' and hate.' It is badly exacerbated through 'online media' and 'social platforms.'Such negative propaganda eventually hurts the values of freedom, security, justice and rights, which are inherent ingredients of democracy.

Threats of democracy has quickly spread with the rise of US former president Donald Trump in the United States in 2016. Trump's racist, sexist, religiously intolerant, abusive, hateful, conspiracy theories, authoritative, controlling, and autocratic actions have escalated into an assault on American society and democratic norms around the world, which is continuously hurting the American democracy, but also the democratic spirit of the world. As a result, the democracy has become one of the prime agenda of upcoming November election in the US.

Trump's rhetoric and antidemocratic policies have encouraged several similar authoritarian political leaders, including Duterte (Philippines), Erdogan (Turkey), Seikh Hasina (Bangladesh), Nicholas Maduro (Venezuela), General Min Aung Hlain (Myanmar), Viktor Orbán (Hungary), etc. These rulers and countries believed to rule the country, arbitrarily, and continue enjoyed the country's political power curtailing freedom and rights of citizens. In retrospect, liberal political leaders around the world,including PM Justin Trudeau (Canada), President Macron (France), Chancellor Olaf Scholz(Germany), PM Keir Starmer (UK), etc.are struggling to protect the values of democracy, Instead, the autocratic rulers, including President Vladimir Putin (Russia), President Xi Jinping (China), Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un (North Korea), Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei (Iran), etc. are getting closer to each other, and forming working alliances against liberal democratic countries.

The fact that democracy is not only getting weaker in western hemisphere, but also in Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe and South America too. In some countries, the civilian dictators are ruling the country. In others, the military dictatorshipcontrols power whereas some countries are going through a communist dictatorship. For example, the democracy in Southeast Asia has long been affected by one form or other forms of authoritarian regime. The neighboring country, Myanmar's military dictatorship backed by Russia and China, has shown reluctance to restore democracy rejecting the ASEAN's five-point consensus proposal, which continue puts the country's de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi under house arrest since February 2021.

It is obvious that democratic rights of people are encroached by either democratic elected government, or military dictatorship, and/or religious extremists. In India, the world's largest democracy faces threats imposed by the PM Narendra Modi's Hindutwa (Hindu Supremacy) since 2014, and is continuously encroaching the existence of religious minority groups, especially Muslims. The attempt to intimidate, humiliate and suppress the media, civil society and academia has raised worries to undermine democratic norms and values.

Similarly, the foundation of democracy has not been laid in Pakistan since its inception and the military has repeatedly overthrown democratic governments, and seized political powers. The fall of Seikh Hasina's regime has raised hope of democratic culture in Bangladesh, but it is yet to institutionalize it. In Sri Lanka, the assault on democracy that began when then-President Mahinda Rajapaksa came to power in 2005 with the objectives to end the Tamil insurgency. It is being institutionalized in the name of economic recession and political instability.

In addition, Afghanistan has once again fallen into the hands of the Muslim religious extremist Taliban after the withdrawal of NATO and American troops from August 2021, which rule the country under Sharia law, depriving citizens of basic rights, including education and health. It is particularly targeting to women and girls. The self-proclaimed, the world's highest "Gross Happiness" country is going through the King's autocratic rule. It is totally enjoying immunity even after the expulsion of over a million of Nepali origin people a.k.a. ethnic cleansing. The expulsion of its citizens still remains continue. The island country, Maldives is going tough times of political stability between power struggle of China and India. The elections are considered "show pieces."

The Future of Democracy in Nepal

The journey of democratic exercise in Nepal has begun in 1950 with the abolishment of the hereditary Rana regime. But the democracy didn’t last long due to monarch's intervention. King Mahendra toppled the B.P. Koirala's popularly elected government in bloodless coup in 1960. The democracy was restored in 1990 after the end of autocratic Panchayati system that ruled country for 30 years.

However, the democratic practices were weakened with the emergence of the Maoists conflict in 1996, and unconstitutional move of then King Gyanendra in 2005, who has become King after the mysterious Royal massacre in 2001. The democracy was again restored in 2006 after the joint peaceful movement a.k.a. the Jana Andolan with the support of then rebel force, the CPN (Maoists), which created path to peaceful resolution of the conflict through signing the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in November 2006.

As part of the agreement, the country moved toward democratic federalism after suspending the monarchy in 2006, which was completely abolished by the first meeting of the Constituent Assembly in May 2008, and the country fully entered into republic state structure.

Although there is a feeling that the practice of democracy in Nepal is healthy and sound compared to other countries in South Asia, it seems to have a long way to go for its institutional development. The 2015 Constitution has proclaimed federalism, democracy, secularism and inclusive participation as its key features. In addition, human rights, freedom of the press and expression, the rule of law, freedom of religion, free and fair elections, periodic elections, separation of powers and balance of power, as well as the provision of animpartial judicial system are included in the constitution as the basic norms and values of democracy.

Nepal's constitution is considered one of the best in the world and it has institutionalized the established norms of democratic governance. Even though the possibility of amending certain provisions of the Constitution has begun, the fact that the executive, legislature and judiciary can exercise their respective jurisdiction should be taken as an achievement of the Constitution and the country's democracy.

At the end of the day, democracy is a system of guiding the country's growth and prosperity while protecting the freedoms and rights of ordinary citizens. It also strikes at the values of democracy, good governance and a functioning state, while affecting the credibility of the country's democratic system.

In a democracy, if there is a belief that no one will be defeated, then there is prosperity and prosperity for everyone. It requires competent and honest leadership. Democracy doesn't prosper only in a theory, but also needs its practical application. Therefore, it is the primary responsibility of the political entities and its leadership to institutionalize the democracy and its achievement through its effective and efficient services.

Democracy cannot flourish unless the political entities improve their conduct and behaviors, both institutionally and individually. In democratic system, everyone has the right to freedom of speech and expression and to exercise their constitutional and legal rights without fear or intimidation. Therefore, in any case, the substitute to 'democracy' cannot be a 'dictatorship' or 'autocracy.'The alternative to 'democracy' is considered a 'better democracy'that ensures ownership of people in state polity, and their meaningful participation in nation-building process. It also promotes transparency, accountability and responsibility in the governance.

The author is an expert of peace, security and human right, and can be reached through

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