Localization refers to the process of shifting decision-making power, funding, and responsibilities from international humanitarian organizations to local actors such as national and local NGOs, civil society organizations, and government bodies.
By Bimal Khatiwada Feb 11, 2025
Addressing child labor in agriculture requires a comprehensive approach that tackles its root causes. Alleviating poverty is crucial, and governments must strengthen social protection programs to reduce families' reliance on child labor for survival.
By Suva BC Jan 27, 2025
The Democracy Demonstrations in Nepal in 1990with popular pressure, after the government forces killed more than 60 people ended only afterKing BirendraBirBikram Shah Deva declared a multiparty democracy in Nepal.
By Govind Prasad Thapa , PhD, MA, BL, MPA Jan 25, 2025
People are not for cosmetic change and they are not likely to be fooled by peps talk and false assurances anymore.Nepalis want to avoid violence to the extent possible because their preference is for a peaceful change, which is possible only when the rulers of this country cooperate. Make no mistake, the much wanted peaceful change will be less injurious even to the rulers who have failed us and our country.
By Dr. Tilak Rawal Jan 25, 2025
The course corrections that Trump 1.0 as the 45th president attempted were both far-sighted and also myopic. He had already gone down in history as the first US president in many decades who did not start a new foreign war, even though he inherited many what he called “forever wars” from his predecessors, and the resource hemorrhaging they entail from which he has promised to pull out.
By Dipak Gyawali Jan 22, 2025
The Indian side informed about the problems seen in milk exports in Nepal. The Nepali side has agreed to positively consider the request made by the Indian side for dairy products such as whey, cheese, which are not produced in sufficient quantities in Nepal.
By Shanker Man Singh Jan 16, 2025
After two decades, Nepal shared another National Report, prepared for the UN Conference on Environment and Development, held at Rio de Janeiro in June 1992. The report informed the international community that "the emission from the increasing number of vehicles, brick kilns and cement factories result in a thick layer of smog over the Valley throughout the year except during the monsoon". It committed to develop a more comprehensive strategy on allowable standards on air, including other pollution, by covering major polluting sources.
By Batu Uprety Jan 16, 2025
Nepal is popular destination for mountaineering and adventure tourism. It is gradually converted into other forms of tourism mainly nature based recreation tourism such as ecotourism, trekking, hiking, sight seen, mountain bike riding, bird watching, wildlife safari, cultural tourism etc..
By Juddha Bahadur Gurung Jan 07, 2025
The failure of COP29, held in Baku, Azerbaijan, concluded with a disappointing agreement that promised at least $300 billion annually in climate finance to developing countries—an amount that is still far from the $1.3 trillion considered necessary by experts for effective climate action.
By Arup Rajouria Dec 31, 2024
Our objective is to encourage tourists to extend their stay in Nepal by at least 7 days. Today, we are laying the foundation stone for the Jalpadevi cable car at the meeting point of the Far West, Lumbini, and Karnali provinces in Karnali Chisapani