As understood from the last four-and-half decades, EIA report is multi-stakeholder owned. Although the project proponent prepares it, project beneficiaries and affected communities are well informed about the benefits and adverse impacts of the project on the environment, people and resources and proposed measures to enhance beneficial and mitigate the adverse impacts.
By Batu Uprety Aug 11, 2024
The call of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change to prepare for adaptation, support in meeting the costs of adaptation to address climate change impacts, and largely to operationalise the Article 4.9 of the Convention (related to funding and technology support to the LDCs),
By Batu Uprety Jul 11, 2024
The EIA reports are prepared for the prescribed projects, and legally approved to make the project environment-friendly and sustainable.Almost all countries have internalised the use of EIA tool for the environmentally sensitive projects and have enjoyed with the outcome of such a study to timely address project-specific environmental impacts
By Batu Uprety May 15, 2024
Urgency of implementing adaptation options was further realised at the global level. In 2010, Parties to the UNFCCC decided to prepare and implement the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) with the aim of addressing medium and long-term adaptation needs in the developing countries. As of CoP28, 51 developing country Parties to the UNFCCC, including Nepal have prepared NAPs.
By Batu Uprety Jan 14, 2024
Based on the preliminary content, the Plan will likely include existing scenario, major issues & challenges, transformational strategies, major interventions and five-year quantitative targets for specified themes, including SDGs and green economy.
By Batu Uprety Sep 27, 2023
Approximately two-thirds of the human body contains water - a critical life-sustaining resource. Water is used for drinking, irrigation or energy production, livestock and aquaculture production, and to improve sanitation and health. Some mining or manufacturing industries use water extensively to produce goods and services.
By Batu Uprety Aug 22, 2023
NCCSP2 has multi-pronged approaches in supporting the municipalities. As planned, it provides technical and financial supports to implement CCA interventions to help climate vulnerable communities build adaptive capacity and assist in making the infrastructures climate-resilient.
By Batu Uprety Jul 19, 2023
In 2008, the Government of Nepal (GoN) received US$ 0.2 million from Least Developed Country (LDC) Fund (each LDC received equal amount from LDCF) to prepare NAPA through UNDP - the GEF Implementing Agency (IA). GoN requested UNDP to function as the GEF IA for this Project.
By Batu Uprety May 20, 2023
Over two and half-decades of legal clearance to implement projects, requiring approval of Initial Environment Examination (IEE) or EIA informs complexities created in Nepal from this widely used tool to make the development sustainable and environment-friendly.
By Batu Uprety Apr 13, 2023