Light to moderate rain with thunder and lightning is likely to occur at some places of Koshi Province, at a few places of Bagmati Province, Gandaki Province and Karnali Province.
According to Meteorological Forecasting Division, there will be Generally cloudy in Koshi Province , partly to generally cloudy in the hilly regions of the country and Partly cloudy to mainly fair in terai region of the country Light to moderate rain with thunder and lightning is likely to occur at some places of Koshi Province, at a few places of Bagmati Province, Gandaki Province and Karnali Province and at one or two places of rest of the country .
There will be partly to generally cloudy in the hilly areas and Koshi Province, Lumbini Province and Sudur Pashchim Province , partly cloudy to mainly fair in the rest of the country . Light to moderate rain with thunder and lightning is possible at a few places of the hilly regions and Koshi Province, Lumbini Province and Sudur Pashchim Province and at one or two places of rest of the country , , chances of heavy rainfall at one or two places of the Koshi province tonight.