Published on: May 18, 2020
What will happen next? Will Oli and Bidya Bhandari resign? Will Oli fight on even to the extent of splitting off his faction of the never united party? Or will he dissolve the parliament, call for fresh elections that cannot be held anytime soon and impose president's rule in the meanwhile?
By Dipak Gyawali | Apr 29, 2020
Having had a long experience in the practice of law in the corporate sector, senior advocate Dr. Gandhi Pandit, who graduated from the University of Columbia, is now working with investors to settle the current challenges arising from the spread of COVID-19 in the industrial and particularly the hotel sector. At a time when hospitality related industries are completely shut down following the spread of pandemic globally, the income of the hotels has virtually gone down to zero. However, the government issued a notice for them to pay the full salary of Chaitra and Baisakh to their employees. This unilateral government decision, without consulting Hotelier, has created a deep rift between employees and employers. Dr. Pandit, who also teaches law at Tribhuwan University, spoke to New Spotlight on the issue of industrial relations in Nepal in the context of COVID-19 Pandemic. Excerpts:
Resource-poor countries in the world have to act smart in accessing bilateral and multilateral sources of help and assistance so that their economies do not take a plunge into an unfathomable mess of misery\poverty recovery from which could take years of hard work and sacrifice.
By Dr. Tilak Rawal | May 18, 2020