Chief Election Commissioner Dinesh Kumar Thapaliya inaugurated the Election Call Center. The center had come into operation in order to address the election-related queries.
He urged all voters to make a use of the call centre and get updated about the activities and information on the House of Representatives and Provincial Assemblies elections. The EC informed that it has arranged the required manpower at the call centre so that all queries of the people related to the election can be addressed.
EC said that 19 complaints have been filed at its office against the candidates who are in the closed list under proportional representation (PR) category submitted by the political parties to the Election Commission. The election body will continue to receive the complaint till Saturday.
Of the 48 political parties, which submitted their closed list to the commission, the closed list of one of the political parties was cancelled after it failed to meet the criteria, EC’s Spokesperson Shaligram Sharma Pouel said.