Published on: Sep 29, 2019
With proper planning, adequate fund and dedicated political leadership, nothing is impossible. This is what one can see in two towns of Province 5 of western Nepal. Funded by loan and grant of Asian Development Bank (ADB), implemented by Nepal Government and Local Levels, Integrated Urban Development Project (IUDP) has not only changed the urban landscape of two towns, Nepalgunj and Siddharthanagar, but also ended their longstanding woes of inundation. From virtually nonexistent infrastructure, the two towns are getting ready with basic urban infrastructures required for the moder urban cities
By Keshab Poudel | Sep 29, 2019
In the changing context, the Government of Nepal, with the goal of contributing to socio-economic prosperity by developing climate resilient society, has released a Climate Change (CC) Policy in August 2019 by repealing the 2011 CC Policy.
By Batu Uprety | Sep 29, 2019
As temperature has gone up around the world, the heat is melting ice in the Himalayas and glaciers are receding. At a time when scientists have been expressing concern over the situation, a source of inspiration, spiritual in nature, Bhikkhu Sanghasena, a world renowned Buddhist and founder of the Save the Himalaya Foundation (SHF), from Ladakh, India, is hosting an international conference in Nepal next year. As Bhikkhu Sanghasena was recently in Kathmandu to prepare for the international conference in partnership with Binod Chaudhary’s Chaudhary Foundation, BHIKKHU SANGHASENA spoke to KESHAB POUDEL about the importance of his mission at the residence of Dr. Susanne Von Der Heide, a renowned Buddhist scholar and director of SHF’s international relations. Bhikkhu Sanghasena, a simple and humble human being, is renowned for his immense knowledge and wisdom. Excerpts of half an hour interview
By Keshab Poudel | Sep 29, 2019
As Nepal's festival season is at its last phase of the year, Nepalese are waiting to celebrate Navratri Festival, which is known as Dashain festival. At a time when traditional practices are waning all over, Kathmandu Valley still retains the ancient version of Hindu Practices
By A Correspondent | Sep 30, 2019