Published on: Jan 21, 2018
Why have you accepted “alien and imported” (to use the words of your founder the late PM KP Bhattarai) secularism of atheistic communists as well as republicanism and unworkable federalism, forgetting the “flower garden” nationalism of Prithvi Narayan Shah on which this nation was founded?
By Dipak Gyawali | Jan 21, 2018
Situated in the prime location of the capital city, heritage sites and spaces occupied by them are under attack from several fronts. As earthquake damaged more than two-thirds of heritage sites, those destroyed by the quakes are now under attack from business groups, profit-making individuals, land mafia and others. In close connection with politicians and power brokers, mafias are working to control the heritage sites to profit from their commercialization. After protests from the local community, some of these moves have been foiled. However, the threat continues to persist
By Keshab Poudel | Jan 21, 2018
Although almost three years have passed since recent earthquakes devastated Nepal, overwhelming numbers of victims are yet to find a respite. Min Bahadur Shahi, convener of HAMI, spoke to New Spotlight on related issues.
By A Correspondent | Jan 21, 2018
Organizing people’s caravans, taking part in human rights magna, constantly monitoring the state of earthquake victims and reconstruction, interacting with various stakeholders and publishing reports, Humanitarian Accountability and Monitoring Initiative (HAMI) has been raising the voices of the earthquake victims, a large number of whom are living in temporary shelters almost three years after the devastating earthquakes.
By A Correspondent | Jan 21, 2018