One way of conceptualizing the climate problem is to think of the atmosphere as a glass kettle on a stove: if it is simmering, the warm water rises up and cold water sinks in a gentle circulation. That is what the atmosphere was like before climate change.
By Dipak Gyawali Jan 23, 2023
Nitin later sent me his iconoclastic book What’s Left of the Jungle: a conservation story, which I have just finished reading. And I must admit, it is among the few books that I haverecently encountered which not only provides a sharp picture of the convoluted challenges environmentalists face in the Global South but also helps many like me reflect on our own, often unsatisfactory, past efforts to right the wrongs we have encountered.
By Dipak Gyawali Dec 21, 2022
Nor are old slogans of the big parties selling. Their election manifestos have become a joke, a laundry list of promises, mostly of local issues such as paving of roads that are rightfully the domain of local governments.
By Dipak Gyawali Nov 13, 2022
While these are wonderful reasons to champion electric cooking in Nepal, ground reality, however, indicates that the path ahead for this technological transition is going to be far from smooth. A consultative workshop organized on 9th August by the Alternative Energy Promotion Center with GiZ’s Energizing Development (EnDev) program brought to the fore many of these difficulties, ranging from consumer risks to anomalies in government policy.
By Dipak Gyawali Aug 16, 2022
If climate change is such an existential threat to humanity, why is it that we limit concerns about it to one week of COP discussions per year? And for the rest of the year, why is it confined to academic debates only within the UN IPCC scientific crowd?
By Dipak Gyawali Jul 20, 2022
The results of these local elections will be analyzed and parsed to great detail in the days and months ahead, especially since country-wide elections to the national parliament will have to be held in the coming six to eight months.
By Dipak Gyawali Jun 03, 2022
It all started back in the mid-1960s with Dr Hari Man Shrestha’s PhD thesis at Moscow Energy Institute (incidentally a first technical PhD in Nepal and incidentally where I too a decade later ended up studying under the same grand old man of Soviet hydropower Prof Jaffar Omarovitich Seifulla) where he carried out the seminal ball-park estimate of Nepal’s theoretical hydropower potential putting it at 83,000 MW.
By Dipak Gyawali May 04, 2022
A comprehensive summary of the ills bedeviling industrialists and local entrepreneurs was presented by the Chamber’s president Suyesh Pyakurel, the gist of which lay in the wide gap between the government’s stated policy commitments and their dismal implementation at best and outright reverse practice at worst.
By Dipak Gyawali Apr 06, 2022
King Birendra’s fell on 29th December and Nepal’s founder King Prithvi Narayan Shah’s was celebrated as National Unity Day on 11th January with verve that also served as a public reprimand to the current rulers widely seen as kleptocratic and supine before foreign interests.
By Dipak Gyawali Jan 18, 2022
The criticism of the Supreme Court for this political activism was not just for a blatant partisanship and arrogating unto itself the right of a parliament, but also for its declaring that party decisions and discipline are irrelevant.
By Dipak Gyawali Aug 04, 2021
Wicked problems, on the other hand, come nexused with allied quandaries of concern within multiple disciplines and divergent socio-political interests. They require the generation, or at least recognition, of "uncomfortable knowledge" to arrive at "clumsy solutions" of partial agreements and compromises.
By Dipak Gyawali Jun 30, 2021
At home, although the rest of the family developed relatively mild fever and both wife and mother had to be taken to hospital for chest X-ray and scans, they suffered no high fever or precipitous drop in oxygen levels and hence did not require hospitalization, only medication at home
By Dipak Gyawali Jun 02, 2021